Can a drug test kit that you can buy online for as little as $10 truly be accurate? We took a look online to see what was available and how…
Tag: drug testing
Drug testing
Can prescription drugs lead to a failed drug test?
People are prescribed drugs by their doctor every day, whether it’s for a short term ailment or for a longer-term issue. It’s so common that many people don’t give it…
Drug and alcohol testing now even more imperative
If you’re a workplace manager or owner and your business is safety-focussed, there’s now even more reason to consider implementing drug testing and alcohol testing as part of your workplace…
The positive from failing drug testing
You’ve just failed drug testing during a random roadside stop or you’ve failed workplace drug testing after a supervisor questioned your ability to work safely, so what on earth could…
Speak up about drugs and alcohol in the workplace
In our blogs we often write about how employers can protect their workplace from the scourge of drugs and alcohol, in part by conducting drug testing and alcohol testing. But…
Drug testing in the 21st Century
It might not get Millennials and Generation Zs’ Snapchatters, Instagramers and YouTubers excited, but the Drager DrugTest 5000 does get the hearts of Integrity Sampling’s consultants racing just a little.…
Drug usage in regional areas raises questions about drug testing
There was an interesting article in a regional newspaper recently regarding the concern from the agricultural industry about the high use of the drug ICE in regional areas. So, let’s…
Are positive drug testing penalties fair?
If you look at comments on our blogs and other articles about roadside drug testing, you could easily think the majority of people believe the penalties are too harsh or,…
Drug testing – it’s about saving lives
There is a consistent theme among many people who comment on our posts about drug testing, and no doubt comment on other online articles where drug testing is discussed. It’s…
The dangers of heroin
Eating poppy seeds leads to failed drug testing Heroin is part of a group of drugs known as opioids and if you use heroin before driving or going to work…
Can I conduct drug testing in my workplace?
Drug and alcohol policy part of robust health and safety One of the questions we often get asked is ‘can I conduct drug testing in my workplace?’ While the question…
Drugs and alcohol not just a young person’s issue
The focus on the tragic deaths of younger people at music festivals this summer supports the misguided perception that drugs and alcohol are mostly an issue for the young. And,…
Cannabis – what are you risking?
It’s legal in some countries and for a special group of people legal even in Australia, but that doesn’t mean that cannabis can’t do you harm, in the short term…
The potential consequences of illegal drugs
If you take illegal drugs, whether it’s occasional usage for recreational purposes or more regularly for pain or addiction, there’s a fair chance you kid yourself that it’s not doing…
Drug testing, alcohol testing, now fatigue testing!
Roadside drug testing, roadside alcohol testing and now roadside fatigue testing! According to a recent article, police are trialling new technology that, if successful, will help determine if someone…
The weird, the wacky and interesting world of drug testing
A few weeks ago, we brought you several interesting and sometimes wacky stories from overseas in the world of drug testing. Continuing our look abroad this week, let’s visit England,…
Wastewater drug testing helps pave way for $20 million funding
The Federal Government has committed a further $20 million in South Australia to boost drug and alcohol treatment services. In a media release to announce the funding boost, the Minister…
Workplace drug testing highlights drop in opiate positives
The change that requires those who want to purchase painkillers containing codeine to see a doctor for a prescription, instead of purchasing over the counter, appears to have resulted in…
Workplace drug use rife
A recent article on ABC News online would suggest that workplace drug use – and particularly the use of methamphetamines – is more widespread that most people would think. The…
A drug testing disgrace
If you own or manage a workplace, how confident are you that your employees are coming to work in a fit and safe condition? Is it possible that one or…