While debate is heating up nationally on whether to legalise cannabis for medicinal use, the Victorian and NSW Governments have decided that they will trial its use, so what does this mean for workplaces?
The trials will only relate to patients with terminal illnesses or life-threatening conditions, that would highly likely leave them being unable to work. So if someone from your workplace provides a positive test for cannabis and says they are legally allowed to use the drug, you can safely tell them that there are no exemptions for cannabis use in the workplace.
Three trials will be conducted by the NSW Government, with Victorian participation and involvement. The trial will try to determine whether cannabis or cannabis derived products can provide relief for patients suffering from a range of debilitating or terminal illnesses.
But in the workplace, nothing has changed. And that’s because people who are affected by cannabis are a danger to themselves and others. This is especially the case when these people are in charge of machinery, driving vehicles or work in jobs that require a high level of concentration.
Symptoms of low to medium cannabis use include altered thinking and confusion, anxiety, paranoia, tiredness, altered vision, reduced concentration and balance and increased heart rate. All of these symptoms can be key attributes in accidents and can last up to 6 hours after ingestion of cannabis.