Accurate, reliable drug and alcohol testing

Rest assured, workplace drug and alcohol testing carried out by Integrity Sampling is precise and accurate.

Whether you’re an employer who’s organised workplace drug and alcohol testing, or an employee taking a test, how can you be sure the results are accurate?

While we can’t vouch for all workplace drug and alcohol testing carried out in this country, we can confidently say that all testing carried out by Integrity Sampling is reliable and accurate. We’ll explain how we can make this assurance in this blog.

Reliable and accurate drug and alcohol testing equipment

Integrity Sampling uses Dräger drug and alcohol testing equipment for all its workplace testing. Dräger’s drug and alcohol testing equipment has helped police with their drug and alcohol testing for many decades. Their stringent quality controls ensure alcohol and drug screening equipment delivers reliable results.

Workplace drug testing

When it comes to our workplace drug testing, the equipment we use is the Dräger DrugTest 5000. Drug testing using the DrugTest 5000 is easy and fast and involves hygienic, painless and non-invasive saliva sampling.

To carry out testing:

  • Initially, a saliva sample is obtained. The individual being tested puts a small collection device inside their mouth, moving it around and gently rubbing it under their tongue and across their gums. This collection procedure typically lasts approximately 30 seconds to a minute.
  • The collection device is inserted into the DrugTest 5000, where the sample undergoes testing for particular drugs. For example, cannabis, methamphetamines, cocaine and opiates.
  • The result is displayed on the screen of the analysis equipment.

This equipment is extremely precise and reliable. It’s been independently evaluated to be greater than 99% accurate.

Of course, even 99% is not accurate enough. That’s why all positive drug testing results are sent to an independent NATA Accredited laboratory for more sensitive and accurate laboratory analysis. No positive result is confirmed until it has been tested by the independent laboratory.

Workplace alcohol testing

For alcohol testing, we use the Dräger Alcotest 6000. This is one of Drager’s professional breathalysers, used by many police forces across the globe to conduct roadside alcohol testing. Around 1 million of these devices have been sold across the globe.

The Alcotest 6000 allows workplace alcohol testing to be completed with speed and precision. It’s simple and convenient to use, hygienic and reliable. It operates with extreme precision. Results are reliable even at temperatures of -5 to +50 °C.

Backed up by stringent standards and trained people

Quality equipment alone doesn’t guarantee accurate results. It must be backed up by stringent standards and training.

Integrity Sampling holds NATA accreditation, ensuring our adherence to stringent quality standards. Our technicians undergo specialided training and receive accreditation for the testing devices we utilize, enabling them to proficiently conduct on-site testing.

Moreover, they possess comprehensive knowledge of privacy regulations, confidentiality protocols, and occupational health and safety measures.

Accurate results are assured when you choose Integrity Sampling.


Rest assured, workplace drug and alcohol testing carried out by Integrity Sampling is precise and accurate.

By Michael

Michael is the founder of Integrity Sampling and is responsible for overseeing all national operations. He is based at Integrity Sampling's head office in Melbourne and is also responsible for the co-ordination of drug and alcohol testing within Victoria, assisting in the implementation of drug and alcohol (fit for work) policies and the presentation of drug and alcohol education and awareness programs. You can connect with Michael Wheeldon on LinkedIn

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