8 May 2020
People often overestimate their own healthiness and doing so can have negative consequences when employees decide to continue to work while sick. Depending on the work environment and the illness, a sick employee can infect co-workers, customers, students, patients, and the general public.
The introduction of body temperature screening to help prevent individuals from spreading pathogens could have a real, positive impact on public health by mandating employee absenteeism during illness.
View more details on how trained Integrity Sampling Accredited Technicians can conduct temperature screening in your workplace.
16 April 2020
I hope you; your colleagues, family and friends are all healthy and staying safe through these trying times.
We have growing concerns, regarding the recent increase in suspension/cancellations of random, incident and causal drug and alcohol testing services, we normally provide, to many high-risk industries such as transport, distribution/warehousing, manufacturing and construction.
We are all experiencing an unprecedented situation with the COVID-19 pandemic which continues to rapidly evolve, however the rapid decrease in regular random drug and alcohol testing is alarming.
Whilst we completely understand and fully accept these decisions regarding visitors to sites and the temporary suspension of random drug and alcohol testing services, we are also well aware of the safety risks in the workplace amplified by heightened anxiety with the COVID-19 and the effect on their employees. It is a priority to us that our clients, their staff and families and the wider community remain safe and healthy. As well as promoting a safer, more productive work environment, random Drug and Alcohol testing certainly helps to enhance employee wellbeing, on and off the job.
Historically there is always a significant spike in drug and alcohol abuse in times of increased social and economic distress and uncertainty. We are aware of the safety risks in the workplace amplified by heightened anxiety with the COVID-19 and the effect on employees. In recent weeks we have experienced a rise in THC, Methamphetamines and Alcohol non-negative screenings.
We have provided assurances that Integrity Sampling is here to support these industries throughout this uncertainty and are committed to minimising any disruption to business throughout this challenging period and recognise that person to person contact will be limited in the months ahead. Our focus is to ensure a safe environment for our employees, contractors, clients and their staff so we can continue to deliver our services in a safe and hygienic environment.
Our technicians have all undergone COVID-19 infection control training and have been given additional sanitiser and disinfection materials and procedures as well as social distancing awareness training during testing.
Alcohol and drug testing on our roads
According to an ABC News article, despite a dramatic reduction in traffic due to the coronavirus pandemic affecting Australians’ movements, 35 people have lost their lives on South Australia’s roads this year — with several serious incidents occurring over the Easter long weekend. SA Police have also warned that, “Unfortunately, some people haven’t heeded the road safety message and police have detected drink and drug drivers across the state.” See link for full details.
Warm Regards,
Brett Money
Group General Manager
Integrity Sampling AUS & NZ
23 March 2020
As Australia’s largest workplace AOD workplace testing provider we have been looking at how we can best support our many industries through the changing COVID-19 situation.
Integrity Sampling are committed to keeping industries safe and supporting our clients through this challenging time. We recognise that person to person contact will be limited in the months ahead and our focus will be to ensure a safe environment for our employees, contractors, clients and their staff so we can continue to deliver our services in a safe and hygienic environment.
Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws require a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of their workers and others at the workplace. This includes providing and maintaining a work environment that is without risk to health and safety and adequate facilities for workers in carrying out their work, so far as is reasonably practicable.
We would like to assure our clients that we have provided our onsite technicians with additional sanitisation, cleaning and disinfecting instructions and products for use in workplace drug and alcohol testing operations.
The economic challenges we face with COVID-19 are significant, but temporary. At Integrity Sampling we are taking a long-term view to our business, employees and suppliers, and it has been encouraging to hear this week from many clients who share our mindset.
We look forward to supporting our clients through the continuance of safe and hygienic onsite testing services in the coming months, and together I am confident we can push through this challenging time.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me directly to discuss your situation and how we can help.
Warm regards,
Michael Wheeldon
Managing Director
Integrity Sampling AUS & NZ
19 March 2020
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18 March 2020
The Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) is the key decision making committee for health emergencies. It is comprised of all state and territory Chief Health Officers and is chaired by the Australian Chief Medical Office.
AHPPC, on the advice of the Communicable Diseases Network Australia, considers a number of additional public health measures to provide advice to the National Cabinet in relation to strengthening the control of COVID-19 in Australia.
Please click here to download and view the latest statement.
17 March 2020
Dear Valued Clients,
Integrity Sampling is closely monitoring the Australian Department of Health advice regarding the Coronavirus.Our focus is to ensure a safe environment for our employees, contractors, clients and their staff so we can continue to deliver our services in a safe and hygienic environment.
Australian Police Forces have recently released statements in response to the emerging COVID-19 situation, regarding temporary suspending the Breath and Drug Bus operations. These operations are a high-volume static testing involving many motorists and officers and this decision is intended to reduce the risk of COVID- 19 transmission.
Roadside testing will continue to be a high priority and will be delivered as part of our highly visible mobile traffic patrols targeting driver behavior. Breath and drug testing will continue as part of their commitment to road safety. These dedicated traffic patrols will be undertaken throughout each of the States and Territories and reinforce the message that drivers may be stopped anywhere and at any time.
This decision has been made to minimise the risk to officers and the community but should not be interpreted that Police will not be stopping and testing drivers. Roadside testing will continue but not in the same format. Drivers refusing to provide samples of breath or saliva will be prosecuted.
Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws require a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of their workers and others at the workplace. This includes providing and maintaining a work environment that is without risk to health and safety and adequate facilities for workers in carrying out their work, so far as is reasonably practicable.
Integrity Sampling would like to assure our clients that we have provided our onsite technicians with additional sanitisation, cleaning and disinfecting instructions and products for use in workplace drug and alcohol testing operations. All Integrity Sampling Technicians are qualified and accredited to provide drug and alcohol testing services in compliance with AS/NZS 4760:2019 – Procedure for specimen collection and the detection and quantification of drugs in oral fluid, AS 3547:2019 – Breath alcohol testing devices and NATA – Human Testing for Workplace and/or Community Screening Accreditation guidelines.
Integrity Sampling has been working closely with our exclusive device and collector supplier, Draeger, and health authorities to ensure we are in the best position to mitigate the risk of transmitting bacteria by avoiding direct contact with test subjects and where indirect contact is required, reduce the number of bacteria in the environment by continuous disinfecting of testing equipment.
This includes:
- Mandatory staff training on COVID-19 (What you need to know – Version 14 (15/03/2020) Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
- Information, education and communication materials outlining the steps to take should a test subject present as unwell
- Daily communication to share the most up-to-date information from government and health authorities to keep staff informed
- A 24/7 response team.
We believe our customers deserve to feel as safe and comfortable as possible when engaging Integrity Sampling to provide drug and alcohol testing services from us in these uncertain times. We also want to ensure you can rely on Integrity Sampling’s reputation as the premier workplace AOD testing provider.
For any queries please do call our Head Office Support Team on (03) 9460 3000. Thank you for your ongoing support.
Brett Money
Group General Manager
Integrity Sampling AUS/NZ
Image credit: sergio santos https://www.flickr.com/photos/143707811@N07/49629062018/
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