Find the answers on drug testing in your Western Australian business


Have you got a question about drug and alcohol management in your Western Australian business? Do you want to know whether you can introduce drug testing, what action you can take if you think an employee is affected by drugs or whether you can serve alcohol at a work function?

One of the places you can turn to for help is the Government of Western Australia Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety, commonly referred to as WorkSafe Western Australia. A quick search on their website for drugs or alcohol can unearth a wealth of information, including sections on frequently asked questions. Let’s have a look at some of the commonly asked questions.

FAQ’s on drugs and drug testing in Western Australia

Question: What can you do if you think an employee is under the influence of drugs or alcohol?

Answer: According to WorkSafe Western Australia, you have an obligation in this instance to make sure the employee and others are not put at risk. If your business has a policy, follow it. This is likely going to include drug testing the employee. If you don’t have a policy, determine the most appropriate action, which may include getting the person home safely.

Question: Can you serve alcohol at a work function in Western Australia?

Answer: You can, but you should take precautionary measures. This can include ensuring the venue is as safe as possible, providing food and non-alcoholic drinks and ensuring alternative forms of transport are available. Safety isn’t the only concern. You should make sure ground rules for behavior are set and communicated, and do everything you can to make sure everyone is treated with respect.

Question: You’re a Western Australian building contractor working on a state building work contract that exceeds $10 million. Should you conduct drug testing on your employees?

Answer: The Western Australian Building and Construction industry Code of Conduct 2016 (BCI Code) actually makes drug testing mandatory in these circumstances. So, you must ensure all people who attend a site for work – including employees, subcontractors and anyone else – are drug tested regularly.

Question: In the above circumstances, how frequently should drug testing be conducted and how many should be tested?

Answer: While the answer provided by WorkSafe Western Australia applies to the BCI Code, the guidelines are relevant to any Western Australian workplace that conducts drug testing. While each business should outline their procedure, drug testing should be performed at least once a month and involve at least 10% of the workforce where there are less than 30 workers on the site, at least 5 employees where there are 30 to 100 employees, and at least 10 workers where there are more than 100.

Integrity Sampling WA can help too

The other place you can turn to for help, and to get many of your questions about drugs and drug testing answered, is Integrity Sampling in Western Australia. We have branches in Western Australia in Busselton, Dampier, Geraldton, Kalgoorlie, Karratha, Perth and Port Hedland.

Give us a call on 1300 SALIVA today!

Got a question on drugs or drug testing at your Western Australian business. Find out the answer today.

By Paul Marshall

Paul is the Owner and Director of Integrity Sampling WA, which has technicians that provides drug and alcohol management services, including drug and alcohol testing, in the Perth area and all regional locations within Western Australia. You can connect with Paul Marshall on LinkedIn

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