Police forces around the world are using oral samples for their roadside drug testing and, if your business is contemplating introducing drug testing in the workplace, you should ensure your drug testing company uses saliva drug testing too.
Why is saliva drug testing the best choice?
- Getting results is quick. In fact, from start to finish, a saliva drug test can be completed in 5 minutes. Most traditional methods, including urine drug testing, require a sample to be analysed in a lab, a process that can take days.
- The importance of this cannot be underestimated when considering safety. Using saliva drug testing, a person with drugs in their system can be removed from the workplace immediately, ensuring they aren’t endangering themselves or their workmates.
- Saliva drug testing is accurate. Accuracy will depend somewhat on the equipment being used. The Drager Drug Test 5000 used by Integrity Sampling and many police forces globally has a 99% accuracy rate.
- Saliva drug testing can be completed virtually anywhere, including most work environments and on roadsides. Most other methods require restroom or private facilities.
- Oral-based drug testing is unobtrusive. For the person being tested, it’s simply a matter of rubbing a testing implement around the inside of the mouth. Many people feel awkward or uncomfortable providing urine samples, which is why Fair Work Australia decided that urine drug testing was unreasonable and too intrusive.
For more information on why your business should employ saliva drug testing, contact Integrity Sampling on 1300 SALIVA.