Mount Gambier workplace drug and alcohol testing services

Integrity Sampling’s Mount Gambier branch is committed to helping businesses maintain a safe and productive work environment with our professional drug and alcohol management services.

We offer:

Our highly trained technicians use cutting-edge testing equipment, including the Drager Drug Test 5000, which provides fast and reliable saliva test results in under five minutes. This ensures minimal disruption to your business operations while maintaining workplace safety.

To learn more about our drug and alcohol testing services in Mount Gambier, call 1300 SALIVA or visit our contact page to reach out.

To learn more about our drug and alcohol testing services in Mount Gambier, call 1300 SALIVA or visit our contact page to reach out. Credit Charles G


To learn more about our drug and alcohol testing services in Mount Gambier, South Australia, call us or contact us via our website. Credit Charles G